What is Lucid Dreaming?
Lucid dreaming means that you are conscious while you’re sleeping and therefore aware that you are dreaming.
Why is lucid dreaming worth practicing?
Lucid dreaming opens the door to amazing possibilities – not only to exciting experiences while you’re sleeping (try flying!) or get better at a certain skill (e.g. a music instrument or athletic sport), but also to dig deeper into your subconscious to get answers to questions, release deep-rooted fears or experience a spiritual awakening.
How do I lucid-dream?
1. Accept & believe
Everyone can lucid dream. Know and accept the fact that you can lucid dream and believe it with all your heart.
2. Remember your dreams
The first step is to get better at remembering your dreams. Affirm the intention before going to sleep: “Tonight I will remember my dreams. I am amazing at recalling my dreams.”
3. Keep a dream journal
Have a dream diary next to your bed and write down your dreams first thing after waking up.
4. Spot dream signs
What are recurring situations or people (e.g. your dead grandmother) that show up in your dream? Spot patterns and become aware of them, so that next time you encounter them you might remember to ask yourself if you are dreaming.
5. Perform reality checks
While awake ask yourself “Could this be a dream?” and then perform a reality check, such as looking at your hand or flipping a light switch on and off. The more often you do this, the likelier it is that you will start doing reality checks in your dreams as well. Because things look and react differently in your dream you will then likely realize that you are dreaming.
6. Try a Lucid Dream Induction technique
Wake up at least 2 hours earlier than normal (after you have had about 5 hours of sleep), stay awake for an hour doing a mindless activity and then go back to bed, repeating your intention to remember to recognize that you are dreaming while you are falling asleep: “Next time I’m dreaming, I will remember that I’m dreaming”. (This also works well when doing an afternoon nap).
Enjoy! ♡
For many more induction techniques and in-depth instructions go here or get the book Dreams of Awakening: Lucid Dreaming And Mindfulness Of Dream And Sleep by Lucid Dreaming teacher Charlie Morley.