
The Only Tea You Need

ayerveda water tea

water tea

Drink hot water as clean energy for your body, digestion, and fatigue.
No calories No decision about which tea to drink. No side effects. No taste that messes with your snack. Quick & simple.


  1. Heat up (filtered) tap water to 80°C/175°F (when the water starts to draw little bubbles)
  2. Pour in mug

How To Calm Yourself Down Instantly

3 steps to relaxation

Pay attention to your breath (e.g. with the box breathing method).

Close your eyes and imagine yourself in your favorite location (e.g. in nature

Listen to the surrounding sounds to bring you back into the present moment.

15 Brain Foods To Always Have At Home

brain foods to always have at home
  1. Fresh Ginger root (tee, cooking, cold remedy)
  2. Oats (fiber and nutrients for cereal and baking)
  3. Oat milk (cereal, smoothies)
  4. Eggs
  5. Ghee (from grass-fed cows)
  6. Blueberries
  7. Joghurt or Kefir (probiotics for gut health)
  8. Dark chocolate (dessert, snack; natural blood-thinner, magnesium)
  9. Walnuts (protein, good fats)
  10. Red wine (for the soul)
  11. Ground flaxseeds (Omega3; cereal, smoothies, baking)
  12. Herbal Tea (e.g. sage, dandelion or nettle)
  13. Spinach (it’s green and it’s leafy)
  14. Avocados (flexible use)
  15. Potatoes (one of the most nutritious foods on the planet; let cool down before eating for more resistant starch for gut bacteria)

Try to avoid to buy if not local, organic and seasonal.

Feel Instantly Better With Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Reduce or release physical pain or emotional distress with tapping and the Emotional freedom technique (EFT).

  1. Identify your issue/negative feeling

  2. Rate the intensity of that feeling

  3. Set up the statement:

    “Even though I feel [enter your feeling here] I deeply love and accept myself.”

  4. Start the tapping sequence with tapping 5-7 times on the side of the hand (Karate Chop location) each time you say your statement out loud

  5. Do this hand-tapping 3 times in total, possibly with different wording to make sure to reach your subconscious, while repeating your statement

  6. Create a reminder phrase (e.g. “this stress in my body“) and keep your feeling in mind while tapping each of the following tapping points (see graphic, moving down the body) 5-7 times:

    1. Top of the head
    2. Between the eyebrows
    3. Side of the eye
    4. Under the eye
    5. Under the nose
    6. Under the chin
    7. On your collar bone (use two hands/fingers)
    8. Under the arm/on the side of your ribcage

  7. After you’re done, focus on your issue/feeling and check its intensity

  8. Repeat the technique if the intensity is higher than ‘2’
Tapping Points

Image Source: mummy mojo

For follow-along instructions visit this wonderful channel of the Holistic Psychologist.