
The Best Breathing Techniques To Relax Your Mind And Body

General guidelines:

  • Relax your body.
  • Breathe through your nose with your mouth closed.
  • Breathe in and out of your belly (low), not your lungs (high).
  • Repeat your technique of choice for a minimum of 3 minutes.

1. Bellows breath

  • Exhale by contracting the abdominal (lower belly) muscles quickly and forcefully.
  • Follow it with letting all your muscles relax again completely, which is equivalent to a diaphragmatic inhalation (a natural, unforced breath in).

2. Breath of fire

  • Breathe in and out rapidly, rhythmically, and continuously (2-3 cycles per second).
  • Keep an equal length of inhale and exhale.
  • Your breathing “focus” should be somewhere between your belly and your lungs.
  • Don’t pause between inhale and exhale.

3. 4-7-8 method

  • Breathe in for 4 seconds.
  • Hold for 7 seconds.
  • Breathe out for 8 seconds.

4. box breathing

  • Chose a length/amount of time (X).
  • Breathe in for X counts.
  • Hold for X counts.
  • Breathe out for x counts.
  • Hold for X counts.
  • Do this X times. Graphic here.

5. the double

  • Breathe out for twice as long as you breathe in.
  • Your breath in should be at least 3 seconds long.

For more in-depth, scientific knowledge on counted breathing watch this amazing TED talk by Dr. Alan Watkins.

3 Healthy Lifestyle Hacks

1. Healthy breakfast

  • Whole foods only: Little carbs, lots of protein (e.g. nuts, quark or eggs) and high in natural fats
  • Always have the same breakfast every day; have all ingredients at home at all times
  • Prep your breakfast ingredients the night before

2. Grounding

  • Walk barefoot if you can/dare
  • Spend time in Nature for at least 10 minutes every day
  • Get out of the building as much as you can (sit outside for your lunch break, walk to the grocery store)
  • Connect to earth’s natural elements (build a fire, have plants in your home. spend time by a water source or fountain)

3. Digital Detox

  • Turn WiFi off at night
  • Avoid all screens for the first and last hour of your day
  • Keep mobile devices far away from your body (set them in a different room while working, use headset for phone calls)
  • Track your digital device usage (e.g. Screentime on iPhone, Digital Wellbeing for Android or Moment)
  • plan activities that don’t leave room for digital engagement (e.g. fitness/yoga class or bike riding)

The Bedroom Setup For Better Sleep

  • Don’t do anything in bed other than sleeping and sex
  • Remove all electronics from your bedroom at least 30 minutes before bedtime
  • Keep it cool: 16-18°C/60-65°F
  • Keep it dark: blackout curtains or blinds are ideal; make sure no LEDs are visible (e.g. from chargers or devices)
  • Let fresh air in to the bedroom for 10 min before going to sleep (even in winter)
  • Consider Feng Shui: Bed facing the entrance wall, no large plants, no doors or windows next to the headboard, no mirrors and only neutral colors.

How To Exercise For Maximum Longevity

Weight-training for a long life
  1. Walk fast for a total of one hour every day
  2. Take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator
  3. On weekends, walk as much as you can, even faraway places (try to avoid polluted areas)
  4. Do moderate exercise for 2.5 hours every week, with some of it in the vigorous/fast pulse range
  5. Use weight-training or weight-free exercises to strengthen all muscles
  6. To maximize muscle-growth consume at least 30 grams of protein in a single low-carb meal 1-2 hours after an intensive weight-training session

From the “How to stay young” series by Dr. Valter Longo