Personal Growth

Why Words Don’t Count

Because it’s not about words. It’s about actions.
Consider people’s behavior their real truth – not what they say.
Don’t preach your values, likes or what you think is important. Live those things. Don’t announce your next step. Do it. Don’t say you love someone. Show them and make them feel it.
Lead by actions, not by words.

10 Rules Of life

  1. Never put something off until tomorrow that you can do today.
  2. Never bother someone else for something you can do yourself.
  3. Never spend your money before you have it.
  4. Never buy something for the only reason that it is cheap.
  5. Pride costs us more than hunger, thirst, and cold.
  6. We never regret having eaten too little.
  7. Nothing is difficult that we do out of free will.
  8. The most pain cause us bad things that have never happened.
  9. Chose to tackle things smoothly.
  10. When you’re angry, count to ten before you speak; if very angry, count to a hundred.

According to Thomas Jefferson, 3rd president of the United States.

Don’t Talk So Much

Listen intensely.

Don’t tell others what to do, think or feel.

Don’t talk about yourself to soothe your anxiety and exert control. Let go and focus on the other person.

Is what you’re saying saving you or someone else? If not, try to stay quiet.

Be brave enough to examine why you’re talking. What’s your intention? Do you want to connect or to control? 

Don’t unload all your saved-up words as soon as the other person seem ls to be done talking. Instead ask: “Is there more?”

Embrace stillness. Surrender to the discomfort of silence.

The Good ‘e’ And The Bad ‘e’

The Good E and The Bad e: Engagement and Expectations

Expectations vs. Engagement

  1. Expectations come from the ego (PAST & FUTURE)

  2. Engagement comes from the heart (NOW)

Expectations are empty, illusionary things, that your mind creates from your past and projects into the future and that you have no control over.

Feel, take risks, learn, be present, be yourself. These essential parts of Being, on the other hand, are only possible right now, in form of engagement.

How to: 5-Minute Journal

Because who has time for more.

in the morning

  1. What am I grateful for today?

  2. What would make today great?

  3. My daily affirmation: I am…

In the evening

  1. How could I have made today better?

  2. Three amazing things that have happened today: