1. terrorism
the Reason
Materialism; A feeling of separateness; Newtonian thinking based on the belief that everything consists of matter and therefore cannot explain the existence of consciousness.
The solution
Seeing the connection of everything; The knowledge if quantum intelligence and that there is an web of information and energy that everything in this universe is part of.
2. climate change
the reason
Greed; “l’ll be happy when”-syndrome; looking for happiness outside of yourself; wanting to be comfortable at all costs; comparison with others; competitiveness
The solution
Knowing that nothing outside of you (things, people or experiences) can complete you or make your happy for more than a short amount if time. Appreciate all that you have; reduce your consumerism; up-level the awareness of your own actions and their effect on your surrounding. Do something about it.
Inspired by “ZIVA Meditation”-owner Emily Fletcher