How To Raise Your Vibration

Stop any activity that lowers your frequency and start doing things that connect you to your higher self. Chose to experience fewer material emotions (competition, guilt, fear, doubt) and make room for more elevated emotions (love, joy, gratitude):

  1. Allow negative people to fade out of your life
  2. Become aware of how you use media and news and how it affects you
  3. Occupy your mind with inspirational and empowering content
  4. Spend time in nature
  5. Meditate a few minutes every day

Purpose vs. Meaning

Purpose and Meaning

What is the difference between purpose and meaning?

The definition of purpose:

You have purpose, when you love what you do.

The definition of meaning:

You add meaning to your life, when you share your purpose with others.

All You Need To Know About Meditation

Meditation Facts

1. It’s about being aware in the present moment

Meditating is about being in and experiencing the present moment with your physical senses. It’s about really feeling your feelings in order to realize that you are their observer and not their hostage.

2. Don’t expect not to think

You can’t clear or empty your mind unless you are enlightened or dead. Don’t expect it. It is impossible. Accept the fact that your conscious mind will always stray and that it will be especially active when you try to calm it.

3. Even a “messy” meditation is a successful meditation

You are meditating correctly when you notice that your mind has drifted (even if it was for your whole session). In that moment, you are working and strengthening your attention muscle. That is all that meditation is all about: Practicing the repetition of noticing that your mind has wandered from your point of focus and gently bringing it back.

Happy Meditating!

The R-Word

In the end we will regret the things we didn’t do – not so much the ones we did do.

Don’t fear to be yourself. Don’t do anything you don’t want to do. Don’t work too hard. Do a lot of what you like. Don’t care what others think of you. Don’t fulfil roles other people created for you. Don’t sell out what you might want right now for what you want in the long run.

Don’t regret.

Delay And Savour Gratification To Have More Success

We all know that it helps to reward ourselves once we have done our chores, worked on that project or checked off that To-Do list item.

It makes us feel good and more likely to keep our motivation up and our momentum going.

One of the biggest indicators for success in life (success meaning to achieve what you want to achieve) ist to delay those rewards.

Don’t sell out what you want right now for what you want in the long run.


It is equally important to savour your rewards:

Once you are allowing yourself that reward, slow down and really focus on it.

Don’t check your emails while enjoying that cupcake. Don’t fold your laundry while you’re watching that Netflix episode.

Make sure to mindfully enjoy it as much as possible, without distractions (a nice side effect: You will need less and less of your reward moving forward).

To sum up, make sure to do the following:

1. Give yourself rewards
2. Delay those rewards
3. Savour your rewards fully

Inspired from the book “You Are Enough” by behavioural therapist Marisa Peer